Third Progress Update: GDJ 17

Brett Blandford
2 min readMay 31, 2021

I finally finished the Space Shooter 2D course videos which has been guiding me through this game. Before I begin the “Phase 1: Framework”, where I start to implement features on my own, I wanted to show off what the game looks like now!

VFX and Post Processing

My game now has explosions, thrusters, and damage visualizers for the player which makes the game a lot more immersive. There were also some post processing effects added that makes the game for visually appealing and stylized.

Sound Effects

Now, I can’t really demonstrate how the SFX sounds, but it also makes the game a lot more immersive. There are SFX for the explosions and lasers every time they occur.

New Features

The first thing that will probably be noticed is the asteroid that the player needs to shoot before enemies spawn

The enemies can finally fight back! Enemies now shoot the same laser that is shot by the player randomly every 3–7 seconds.

I also forgot to write this before I continued to add features by myself, but the player can now hit to shift to activate their thrusters and accelerate their ship over time to a max speed. When the shift key is released, the ship deaccelerates over time back to a min speed.

Here is a gif that tries to show off everything in a short period of time.

Going Forward

As I mentioned, from here on out I will be adding features to this game without any course videos, the first of which was the thrusters. My post from here on out will be about what I added everyday with an explanation on how I did so. I also might start another course in the meantime as well so a new game might appear soon. I’m glad to be finally adding features by myself as it will test my abilities!

End of GDJ 17!

